For a good health it’s necessary to have a stable sleep regimen and manage to sleep all cycles correctly. This is why this project contains valuable information for health care through sleep.
This infographic begins as a school project where the main point is the health, In this case, we focus on higher level students at the Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) to see the quality of sleep while they study a semester.ROLE
- Researcher.
- Information architect
- Visual designer
2 Students
Knowing the impact that sleep has on health, we investigate through a survey in the different university centers of the Universidad de Guadalajara.
The survey was applied from February 12 to 28, 2024 to 280 students of the Universidad de Guadalajara through Google forms, having a margin of error of 5.9 and a confidence level of 95%.RESULT
As a result important data on the quality of sleep in university students was obtained, which was captured in the infographic as well as research and important points that should be known and its impact on health were added.
Bibliographic sources: www.bupasalud.com.mx / sanitas.es / medlineplus.gov / espanol.tylenol.com / gob.mx / questionpro.com / nhlbi.nih.gov
- Adobe suite
- Google forms